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How do I know if my lawn mower spark plug is bad?

Dennis WaldenSep 13, 2021

Here's How to Know if a Lawn Mower Spark Plug is Bad

  1. You can't get the engine to fire up at all.
  2. You have to tug extra hard for longer than usual on the rewind.
  3. Your lawn mower loses power while moving.
  4. The gas runs out quicker than it used to.

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Also question is, what happens when a spark plug is bad in a lawn mower?

After the engine finally begins to start, it may tend to die out immediately if something is wrong with its spark plug. In some cases, the engine may run for a while then stop while mowing. ... A bad spark plug also may cause misfires, with the engine sputtering, missing or popping.

People also ask, how do you check a spark plug on a lawn mower?

Correspondingly, can a mower start without a spark plug?

When the spark plug doesn't fire or fires intermittently, your lawn mower engine won't start, or if it does start, it will stall. The plug is an electrical device that gets its power from an induction coil connected to the engine flywheel and ignites the fuel in the combustion chamber.

How often should you replace a lawn mower spark plug?

How often should you change spark plugs in a lawn mower? Lawn mower spark plugs should be changed according to your lawn mower owners manual, or annually if your manual does not specify. Another good option is to change the spark plugs once the winter season starts so it will be ready to go when Spring arrives.

How do you clean a lawn mower carburetor without removing it?

However, you can not spray the carburetor when the engine is off since it cannot do the cleaning without being propelled. All you need to do is to start the engine and spray directly at the center of the carburetor while it is running. Any deposits clogging in the carburetor will easily be removed.
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About The Author

Dennis Walden

Dennis owns a small farm and loves to grill since his early childhood. He’s a professional cook, but hiking and enjoying the great outdoors is his no less favorite part of life.