The mulching function on a lawn mower is activated by simply inserting a mulch plug into the discharge chute which prevents the cut grass from leaving the mower deck and entering the grass collector. This results in the cuttings being circulated within the deck and cut up into very fine pieces.
Considering this, can you mulch with a Ryobi lawn mower?
Q: Can you use the mower without the bag? A: Yes, the mower includes a mulching plug to set the mower to mulching mode.
Likewise, how do I remove the mulch plug from my Ryobi lawn mower?
Likewise, people ask, how do you put a mulch plug on a Ryobi lawn mower?
Is it bad to leave grass clippings on the lawn?
Note: Grass clippings are good for your lawn as they will offer healthy nutrients to your lawn's soil, and it is still fine to leave them behind after mowing. Longer grass can invite lawn pests, which often hide in shady areas of your yard.
You can skip raking completely by mowing over leaves and chopping them into small pieces. If you plan to compost leaves, chopping them first speeds up decomposition. ... You also can allow leaf pieces to decompose in place on the lawn. To do this, chop leaves into dime-size pieces.
No. Both side-discharge and mulching mowers leave grass blades behind. However, a mulching blade chops up clippings into finer pieces so they decompose faster and don't clump as quickly. Using a side-discharge mower you may need to do your own mulching by running over your grass piles multiple times.
Not only does mulching provide your lawn with some of the same benefits as a compost, but it can also be a much faster alternative to bagging. Think of all the times you've bagged your grass clippings; stopping the mower, detaching the bag, disposing the clippings. All this repetitive work can be quite exhausting.
First, insert the mulch plug in the mower and close the side-discharge port. Then mow as you would normally and make a second pass at a right angle to the first to thoroughly mulch the clippings back into the grass. Or bag your clippings. This works well when the grass is of normal height and the leaves are dry.
In addition to being compatible with other RYOBI machines, this mower's lithium-ion battery lasts up to 40 minutes on a full charge. If your lawn is well-maintained, this gives you plenty of time to mow your yard before you need to recharge the battery. The mower can house up to two batteries.
To install the mulch plug, lift the discharge chute up. Insert the mulch plug into the deck discharge chute opening by fitting the bolt on the rear side of the mulch plug into the hole in the deck. Pivot the mulch plug into place.
Dennis owns a small farm and loves to grill since his early childhood. He’s a professional cook, but hiking and enjoying the great outdoors is his no less favorite part of life.