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What spark plug does a Toro Recycler 22 take?

Dennis WaldenNov 24, 2021
Toro 20371 Recycler Lawn Mower Parts
Part NumberDescriptionQty
RA8HCSpark Plug1
14-083-01-SAir Filter1

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In this regard, how do you change the spark plug on a Toro Recycler 22?

Similarly, where is the model number on a Toro Recycler 22? A black plate on the front of the mower says "Toro Recycler 22." Model number 20337 and a serial number are located on a decal affixed to the rear of the machine. Recalled mowers have serial numbers ranging from 315000101 to 315000983.

Besides, do Toro mowers have spark plugs?

Your local Toro service dealer is the best place to get the correct replacement spark plug for your machine. Bring your machine's model and serial number so you're sure to get the right plug. Today's spark plugs come pre-gapped, but it's a good idea to double check this before installation.

How can you tell when a spark plug is bad?

Symptoms of bad spark plugs can include:

  1. Reduced gas mileage.
  2. Lack of acceleration.
  3. Hard starts.
  4. Engine misfires.
  5. Rough idling.

What size socket do I need for a spark plug?

Most spark plugs require a 5/8" (16mm) size spark plug socket. This refers to the size of the flats on the spark plug that are in contact with the socket.

How long do spark plugs last in a lawn mower?

Typically, the consensus among the mechanical engineer community is that a spark plug for a lawn mower will last up to 25 hours of use. Some users simply prefer to replace it every mowing season as a part of their yearly lawn mower maintenance.

When should I change my lawn mower spark plug?

Replace spark plugs as often as is recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Change spark plugs at the beginning of every mowing season (in the spring) and/or every 100 hours of use.
  • Use the same spark plugs recommended by the manufacturer of your lawn tractor or push mower.

What can I use to clean my spark plugs?

To safely clean a spark plug, you should use a wire brush or spray-on plug cleaner specifically designed for this ignition part. You can also use a sturdy knife to scrape off tough deposits. Note: NEVER clean a spark plug with a shot blaster or abrasives.

Where is my Toro mower model number?

Locating the Model and Serial Numbers on a Toro Push Mower

The model and serial may be found on the rear-left of the machine and near the tire.

What Toro model do I have?

The model number sticker on a Toro lawn tractor can be located in one of five locations: under the seat, on the dash, next to the steering column, on the footrest, or on top of the mower deck.

How do I tell what year my lawn mower is?

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About The Author

Dennis Walden

Dennis owns a small farm and loves to grill since his early childhood. He’s a professional cook, but hiking and enjoying the great outdoors is his no less favorite part of life.